Strangest thing that's happened
Last weekend I went out for a housewarming party in Bondi; it was for my friends friend. If that makes sense. It started off a bit awkward as most parties do as I didn't really know anyone there and it was a bit "clique-ish" but as the time went on everyone loosened up a bit and everyone was enjoying themselves, as working holiday makers tend to do when alcohol and a good atmosphere are combined. My friend Barez asked everyone what the strangest thing was that had happened to him or her since arriving in Sydney. He shared his story (being felt up by an old Asian crackhead while eating a hotdog) and everyone had a laugh. I thought a bit and had nothing to say, everything had gone smooth with no outrageous moments occurring as of yet. Ahh the power of foreshadowing! Hours later, near dawn my friend Polly and I were just sitting on the couch chatting away when some bloke (I think he lived at the house) came up to me and told me to drink some wine (it was white). I obliged him and thought he would go away. But he hung around and kept talking to me, and it got a bit hostile. At this point I thought he was just playing around and taking the mick because I didn't have a drink. To be fair I was already well drunk and had been up for 20 some hours, and was the end of the work week. Two can play at this game I thought so I shot back a response about he was drinking white wine at a party (seriously what guy does that?). Turns out he had been quite serious and had some issues with me throughout the entire night and "bitched me out" I guess. By that I mean he just talked out of his ass for a while as I sat there with a confused -and drunken- look on my face. He then proceeded to, I kid you not, slap me twice, ask me to leave and tell me to put my feet up on the couch. Anywhere else that is a fight, but as an invited guest to someone else's house, me being really pissed and tired, I couldn't be bothered to get worked up over it and then get kicked out. I had met some good people that night and took the high road rather than doing something stupid. All of this came out of nowhere! And the slaps were, I don't know how to describe them, well they were weak as fuck! In the end I just ended up laughing in his face saying "Did you just slap me?" We left a few minutes later to greet a rising sun and caught a taxi home.
Few days later I ran into Barez on my way to work and explained to him the whole chain of events that occurred after he had left. He told me that apparently that guy was on ecstasy and had a thing for Polly. I guess that explains but I didn't think E made people aggro like that. The rest of the party was great, but that wanker killed it.
So that would be the strangest thing to have happened, yet.
Few days later I ran into Barez on my way to work and explained to him the whole chain of events that occurred after he had left. He told me that apparently that guy was on ecstasy and had a thing for Polly. I guess that explains but I didn't think E made people aggro like that. The rest of the party was great, but that wanker killed it.
So that would be the strangest thing to have happened, yet.
At 30 November, 2006 11:50,
Anonymous said…
Do they use a lot of British words in Australia (ie "wanker)?
At 03 December, 2006 20:56,
Anonymous said…
Interesting, as a person who has *coughs*used and*coughs*still uses*coughs*ecstasy occasionally, I find his reaction to be really weird. You usually feel all loved up, feel empathy with everybody... My take on it would be that the guy had drunk alcohol way out of hand as well, hence his reaction.
Seriously, I would not mix the two together. How can mixing a depressant and a stimulant ever be good for you? Seriously, it's like putting water on fire and expecting the fire to grow...
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