A New Direction

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Lazy and Unmotivated

I've been really bad about posting ever since returning to the US. Not that there hasn't been anything I have wanted to put up here, just that there has been a long-term lack of posting motivation all spring and summer.

So instead of trying to write up individual posts one after the other I'll just throw out a few ideas of what I have wanted to post in the last 2 months (and in one case, 2 years) and maybe I'll get around to writing more substantially later on.

-An epiphany I had driving through the area near where I work looking for lunch one day during the period that I had to use my dads car because mine was broken (and still is).

-Why TSHTF* in 2015. Causes and effects. And why the time between now and then will be volatile, chaotic, destructive and uncertain. Conclusions I've come to after 2+ years researching PO + GW**

-My anger/frustration over peoples' refusal to acknowledge and pay for the true cost of things. And to define "things" I guess the best word would be lifestyle, or maybe infrastructure. One day at work I just started writing on a yellow post-it note, most of it stemming from staring at my computer screen of sales tax rates and numbers while I thought about the 35 W ridge collapse.

*The Shit Hits The Fan
**Peak Oil and Global Warming



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