Dear God
Is this for real? Have we finally reached the breaking point? Does it completely piss you off that the Vice President's staff member can obstruct justice, perjure himself and threaten nation security and get off mostly scott-free? Talk about special fucking treatment! A deal with Libby was probably set up all along: he stuffs up the legal process, protects the hegemony of this administration all the while knowing that he will receive a get-out-of-jail-free. Next thing you know he'll pass "Go" and collect not $200 but $250,000 to pay off his fine. All that remains will be a little black mark on his record, the one little piece of accountability for the White House transmuted into a black X on a piece of paper. Not that this will matter much to the republican culture of corruption. No doubt this whole fucking mess will be a stand out piece of work on his resumé.
You know you are guilty when, as a republican, you are found guilty by a bunch of other republicans! But really, this sort of brazen audacity should come as no surprise; we have been conditioned over the last 6 years to just be resigned and accept the actions of this administration. When the last guy got a blow job everyone was up in arms! Now when something happens that ACTUALLY MATTERS no one seems the least bit surprised: it's the norm! we should've expected it! You know what....
Impeach the motherfuckers.
You know you are guilty when, as a republican, you are found guilty by a bunch of other republicans! But really, this sort of brazen audacity should come as no surprise; we have been conditioned over the last 6 years to just be resigned and accept the actions of this administration. When the last guy got a blow job everyone was up in arms! Now when something happens that ACTUALLY MATTERS no one seems the least bit surprised: it's the norm! we should've expected it! You know what....
Impeach the motherfuckers.
At 05 July, 2007 09:20,
embrace.the.drift said…
no, i dont think this was set up. They wouldnt have done everything so quickly if that were the case; they had to know that itd make people angry. im guessing they figured that once libby was in jail, hed be more than happy to tell fitzgerald everything he wanted to know and the whitehouse thought that that probably wasnt the greatest idea...i was reading something on truthout about it, and apparently the average perjury sentence is 64 months. 30 months is below what the largest group of people get (which i believe is 31). makes me sick.
At 10 July, 2007 14:44,
1234 said…
And where's he going to serve it? In some posh prison?
At 29 July, 2007 10:45,
Adam said…
Vote of no confidence? Current admin is extremely lucky we do not follow our European counterparts.
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