I define cool
Location: McCarthy Gym, South Campus, University of St Thomas, St Paul, Minnesota
Time: 16:30 Friday, 4 November 2005
Cute desk clerk: Hi can I see your ID
me: sure hang on
her: what are you going to be doing tonight?
me: swimming
her: (writes down name, other info) cool, have a nice swim
me: thanks you too
me: (damnit!! shakes head and goes into locker room)
Time: 16:30 Friday, 4 November 2005
Cute desk clerk: Hi can I see your ID
me: sure hang on
her: what are you going to be doing tonight?
me: swimming
her: (writes down name, other info) cool, have a nice swim
me: thanks you too
me: (damnit!! shakes head and goes into locker room)
At 06 November, 2005 17:47,
Jeff said…
The only line missing was, "So, you work here often?" I shouldn't talk, however. Trying to find an attractive girl in Juneau is not that hard; trying to find a single, attractive girl with a cool personality is more daunting.
By the way, Eric, I'm going to post a link to your blog on the Brudaimonia as soon as I figure out the HTML editing thing.
At 06 November, 2005 20:39,
Eric said…
the link editing thing is super easy. i can prolly show ya. or just call me and we'll walk through
At 10 November, 2005 03:48,
Jeff said…
My brother gave me the tutorial...your link is up there now.
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