A New Direction

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Thoughts on Mirrormask

I saw this movie earlier in the week with Ben and Kristen and had absolutely no idea what to expect as I went to see it. If I were to describe it in detail, ala the plot, story, characters, I couldn't. So to get a sense of the movie imagine Picasso, a Jim Henson produced Cirque du Soleil and Methamphethamines (or some other normality bending drug) located in Brighton, England turned into a dream world. Through all of that I was pleasantly surprised when I got up and left the theatre. The visuals, colours and effects were amazing. Bits of humour were thrown in at what seemed like random times, though they did not interupt the flow or break up the feeling of the story. The movie also took sharp turns throughout the plot, much like the sharpness of the dream characters physical features. Definitely worth checking out.

I also want to see Doom if anyone is interested, and, recently purchased Land of the Dead!


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