Definitely Friday
In the 7 or so hours I've been at work today, I have maybe worked for about two of those hours. I've spent the remaining time doing any number of things that don't even come close to resembling work, or even trying to make it look as though I am working. The list is as follows: taking the piss out of Dirk and other people with whom I work. Look at that! Proper English! Making paper airplanes with Dirk, going to the park and lying in the sun, throwing disc in the park. Writing in my blog. Collecting posta carbonara recipes. Figuring out how to make cheap international calls from my mobile (and I did! so maybe you will get a call from me). Staring into SUN account C660 (accounts is awesome, not). Spinning around in my chair. Chatting. Eating Birthday treats. Zoning out. Taking my shoes off. Yeah, Fridays are sweet.
Not a single plan for the weekend.
Not a single plan for the weekend.
At 17 May, 2006 00:10,
Jeff said…
That's kind of like me for the last four days...not much work, instead sailing, kayaking, hiking, and so forth.
It's my last week here...I'm preparing for the bottom to drop out of my stomach when I leave.
Best wishes.
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