Knee Update
I blew out injured my knee Friday night playing ultimate frisbee. My defender ran me over and after a tangle of legs and feet I twisted a bit too far and heard my knee go pop. There was maybe a dislocation, some hyper extension and a sprain. I really don't know. It hurt(s)! I gimp about here, gimp about there. Somehow, I was approved for health insurance effective today, and I went to the doctor. Over the weekend I assumed the worst and thought I had torn a ligament or damaged my knee in someway where I thought I'd have to get surgery (or at the least an MRI-$$$$) and was worrying about being uninsured (now underinsured) and what all this stuff would cost and whether I'd be covered. Bad knees run in the family and I kept thinking about what had happened to my dad when he was my age. The dreaded phrase kept coming up in conversations with my friends: pre-existing condition. After seeing Doc, it looks as though things will be OK. I have to wear a goofy brace around my pants to immobilize my knee. It's called a knee immobilizer (how appropriate!). Also keep up the icing and ibuprofen regimen. We'll see what happens after a week of that but my knee tested pretty strong. Can take pressure and can be flexed in all directions. Just have to wait for the swelling to go down and the fluid to drain to get my range of motion back and work through the soreness and tight muscles.
Whew! I thought I may have been out for the season but if all goes well I could be playing in a couple of weeks (optimistic?)! Just gotta be careful about re-injuring it even worse.
Whew! I thought I may have been out for the season but if all goes well I could be playing in a couple of weeks (optimistic?)! Just gotta be careful about re-injuring it even worse.
At 30 January, 2008 07:37,
Anonymous said…
I'm glad your knee is feeling better, but I feel the need to correct something you said. You did not 'blow out' your knee. 'Blowing out' your knee consists of at least one torn ligament. That sucks that you have to wear a knee immobilizer, but you aren't going under the knife and you won't have 6 months of rehab...and this is a good thing! Please correct this terminology for future references.
At 30 January, 2008 11:11,
Eric said…
Better? Yeah, as of today I get that, but Friday night you would not have been able to convince me! I had to use a human crutch to get out of the field house, couldn't pivot with out popping my knee, couldnt move side to side, etc. Feeling much better today, even in this funny lookin brace.
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