Snow plow
Not quite sure what I was thinking today when I woke up and looked at the forecast. I knew it was going to be windy -gusts up to 40 MPH- I knew it was going to snow -4 inches- I knew the windchill was going to drop -down to 30F below or more- yet I still hopped on my bike and made the easy ride to the station and then to work. I watched the snow fall and wondered why I did rode in. I knew it was going to be tricky getting home. I left work at 5 and had an ok time getting back to the station downtown. Nothing had been plowed obviously and my front tire was sucked into the mush created by car tires driving over fresh snow. My rear tire spun with any pedaling. I tried to find the shallowed parts to get traction and any sort of solid connection. I had to walk over the narrower bridges by the new Twins stadium. When I arrived at 28th st. station I made it a couple blocks before I was unable to go any further. I had to walk about a mile along American Blvd. as there was no way I was riding in the street with moronic drivers. I plowed through the snow with it eventually reaching the bottom of my fork (middle of the wheel!) and snow up to my shins. Riding past the airport plains the snow tends to drift and pile up. It just so happened to pile up on the sidewalk where I was walking. The last couple streets I take were OK to ride on without fear of death by auto. I was biking along Old Cedar Ave through the snow moving faster than people going south on HWY 77. It was a parking lot. That's my favorite part of the ride. In the end, my commute took about 15 minutes longer than usual because of the on and off walking.
Cullen and I at our start of the Superior Hiking Trail outside Two Harbors, MN. September, 2008.
Labels: bicycle commuting, SHT, winter
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